News 22 Mar 2012

Classifiche di vendita Hardware e Software giapponesi

I Pokemon dominano la classifica software, mentre sul fronte hardware continua il dominio del 3DS.

Questa settimana, le classifiche di vendita sono state dominate da Nintendo, grazie all’uscita del crossover tra i Pokemon e Nobunaga’s Ambition di Tecmo Koei, con un totale di 172,000 copie vendute. La seconda e la terza posizione sono invece occupate dalla PSP con le 122,000 copie di Shining Blade e le 62,00 di Madoka Magika Portable.

Mass Effect 3 entra nella top 20, grazie alle 8000 copie vendute nella sua versione per PlayStation 3. Un bottino piuttosto modesto (ma com’era facile da prevedere) per le avventure del capitano Shepard. Di seguito, trovate l’elenco completo delle classifiche software e hardware diffuse da Media Create e Andriasang.

Classifica Software

[ordered_list style=”decimal”]

  1. Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition (Pokémon Co., DS): 172,027 (NEW)
  2. Shining Blade (Sega, PSP): 122,257 (NEW)
  3. Madoka Magika Portable (Namco Bandai, PSP): 62,408 (NEW)
  4. One Piece Pirate Musou (Namco Bandai, PS3): 34,600 (Life to date: 780,508)
  5. Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Premium 3rd Story (Konami, PSP): 27,717 (NEW)
  6. Hatsune Miku and Future Stars Project Mirai (Sega, 3DS): 18,341 (105,017)
  7. If I Were in a Sealed Room with a Girl I’d Probably XXX (D3, 3DS): 18,291 (NEW)
  8. Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo, 3DS): 17,064 (1,581,089)
  9. Monster Hunter 3G (Capcom, 3DS): 16,924 (1,314,720)
  10. Mario & Sonic at London Olympics (Nintendo, DS): 16,183 (82,924)
  11. Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo, 3DS): 15,801 (1,419,455)
  12. Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin (Marvelous AQL, 3DS): 12,331 (137,217)
  13. Street Fighter x Tekken (Capcom, PS3): 11,611 (70,082)
  14. Winning Post 7 2012 (Tecmo Koei, PS3): 11,524 (NEW)
  15. Amnesia Later (Idea Factory, PSP): 10,936 (NEW)
  16. Legasista (Nippon Ichi, PS3): 9820 (NEW)
  17. Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D (Konami, 3DS): 9027 (47,401)
  18. Gundam UC (Namco Bandai, PS3): 8871 (60,540)
  19. Winning Post 7 2012 (Tecmo Koei, PSP): 8455 (NEW)
  20. Mass Effect 3 (Electronic Arts, PS3): 8142 (NEW)


Classifica Hardware

[ordered_list style=”decimal”]

  1. 3DS: 64,017 (Last week: 68,951)
  2. PlayStation 3: 27,900 (34,816)
  3. PSP: 18,633 (16,176)
  4. Vita: 10,021 (10,041)
  5. Wii: 8127 (8322)
  6. PlayStatoin 2: 1165 (1363)
  7. Xbox 360: 1145 (1290)
  8. DSi XL: 853 (850)
  9. DSi: 617 (502)

