La patch di Uncharted 4? Ce l’abbiamo. Quella di Battlefield 1? Presente, completa di note. E quella di Gwent? Fisicamente non è ancora stata messa online, né abbiamo una data esatta per quando succederà, ma CD Projekt Red ha rilasciato il changelog così da farci sapere in anticipo cosa cambierà in futuro.
Gameplay – Cards Strenght/Abilities Changes:
- Changed the rarity of Legendary leaders to Epic. Players receive 600 scraps for any nonstarter Leader in their collection (to make up the difference in crafting price).
- Monster faction ability no longer keeps Gold units on the battlefield.
- Unit version of Eredin now Silver and immune to Frost.
- Unit version of Eredin now has the ‘Wild Hunt’ category.
- Clear Skies now only resets red (weakened) strength values.
- When Weather is removed at the end of a round, only red strength values are reset.
- Philippa no longer affects Gold cards.
- Philippa strength increased from 6 to 12.
- Philippa changed to disloyal only.
- Ice Giant loses 7 strength when Frost is removed, instead of resetting to base strength.
- Reinforced Trebuchet strength increased from 4 to 5.
- Reinforced Trebuchet damage decreased from 2 to 1.
- Reinforced Trebuchets no longer buff each other.
- Tordarroch Shieldsmith strength increased from 3 to 4.
- Tordarroch Shieldsmith buff decreased from 4 to 2.
- Sarah self buff decreased from 4 to 3.
- Nature’s Gift no longer copies Gold cards.
- Added a new “Medic” category.
- Priestess of Freya cannot resurrect cards with the “Medic” category.
- Field Medic cannot resurrect cards with the “Medic” category.
- Queensguard now increases Cerys base strength.
- Elven Mercenary no longer draws and plays Gold Special Cards.
- Priscilla now draws 2 revealed cards, player chooses which one to play.
- Regis: Higher Vampire is now Silver.
- Regis: Higher Vampire strength decreased from 10 to 8.
- Dimeritium Bomb now resets Gold unit strength.
- Redanian Elite ability now only takes into account instances on your side.
- Sigrdrifa strength increased from 1 to 2.
- Restoration now grants a +2 buff to the base strength of the resurrected unit.
- Draug no longer destroys Gold units.
- Fireball Trap now spawns 1 Neophyte instead of none when target is not destroyed.
- Discarding An Craite Raiders now counts as a “discard” despite their ability being triggered.
- Returning a card to your hand from the battlefield now clears all effects, even countdown.
- Saskia now has the “Dragon” category.
- “Elf” category added to several units.
- Weather now affects Ambush cards after they are revealed.
- Ocvist now returns to player’s hand even if there are no units on the opposing side.
- Borkh will not Scorch a second unit if he Scorches himself first.
- Morkvarg is now also resurrected when discarded.
- Hawker Support no longer gets buffed when destroyed by Scorch or Epidemic.
- Hawker Support ability now works correctly with cards such as Lacerate.
- Roach is now played correctly when a card is converted to Gold.
- Geralt: Igni no longer takes into account unrevealed cards.
- Cards immune to Weather display a passive icon now.
- Toruviel now reveals if your opponent’s pass ends the game.
- Priscilla no longer blocks the game if she draws cards that require targets on the first turn.
Game Fixes:
- Fixed issue whereby the game would crash on some PCs while opening Card Kegs.
- Fixed issue whereby losing Internet connection while selecting a Rare card from an opened Card Keg would block users from entering the Shop upon reconnection.
- Fixed issue whereby the player would not get a reward after leveling up.
- Fixed some issues involving infinite loading screens.
- Game stability after suffering from connection losses has been improved.
- Fixed minor Russian language issues.
- Fixed several font issues in Brazilian Portuguese.
- Fixed issue whereby your counterpart would lose input when entering Deck Builder after you canceled a Friend Match.
- Fixed issue whereby using a card received as a reward in a deck in multiplayer required a restart in order to save the deck.
- Fixed performance drops when browsing through lots of cards in a graveyard.
- Fixed issue whereby mashing buttons would lead to input loss.
- Fixed several issues in the Tutorials.
- Fixed issue whereby “Mill Spare Cards Failure” pop-up persisted on screen after attempting to mill while disconnected.
- Milling cards using the keyboard is now possible.
- Improved selection highlights.
- Fixed various typos in all languages.
- Fixed issue whereby viewing a graveyard from which a Ghoul is currently consuming a unit would desynchronize the game.
- Fixed issue whereby registering the Keg received after finishing the Tutorial in some users’ accounts would result in an error and directions to contact support.
Game Polishes:
- A large number of tooltips have been reworded or corrected across all languages (including Torrential Rain, Warcry, Ice Giant, Thunderbolt, and Nekker Warrior).
- New sound effects for cards (Blue Stripes Commando, Pavetta, Sabrina, Sile, Sarah, Vrihedd Vanguard, Igni, Scoia’tael Leaders).
- New Good Game notification icon.
- Tweaks and improvements to Collection layout.
- Now possible to quit the game from the Sign In screen.
- Decreased downtime between crafting multiple cards.
- The AI has been improved and should provide more of a challenge.
- Card Kegs are now sorted differently in the Shop.
- Improved visibility of Gold borders on the board.
Una bella lista di cambiamenti, senza dubbio. Altrimenti a cosa servirebbero le beta? E a questo proposito, siete tra i fortunati ad averne avuto accesso? Se ancora non vi è arrivato l’invito non disperate, CD Projekt Red sta continuando a mandarne e chissà che i prossimi giocatori di Gwent non possiate essere voi. Se c’è qualcuno invece che sta lottando fino all’ultima carta, si faccia avanti nei commenti per parlarcene!